Friday, September 9, 2011

Liturgical Dance. It's intense.

For your viewing pleasure:

During orientation we were supposed to have a talent show on the last night, but it got canceled because we high-tailed it off of Staten Island before Irene hit. However, our director did manage to capture this video of us practicing. It's in its early stages- we don't know all the steps, and we don't know all the words. The line we fumble over most is, "Sing now of David's Son, our neighbor and brother. In all of Galilee was never another."

Our Liturgical Dance

...and it was inspired by Stephen Colbert's rendition, which was 100x's more fabulous. And you should DEFINITELY watch. It's hysterical. It reminds me of John Cleese's (or Basil Fawlty's) "funny walk." lol.

Stephen Colbert's "King of Glory" Dance.

ENJOY! .... hope you aren't terribly offended!


Left to right: Kim, Katherine, Colleen, myself, and Sr. Grace during orientation in the prayer room with our candles. 

1 comment:

dad said...

i'm blogging